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Reed Smith joined as a partner early in the KIND project. Their team has been working on cases of undocumented children and young people since 2018.

“I have been involved with KIND UK since the beginning of the partnership with Reed Smith in 2018, as a project co-coordinator and as a case worker. This is a fantastic project through which I developed so many skills both on a professional as well a personal level. My favourite part has to be the moment of sharing the final (and positive!) decision with our clients.

The news that they have been granted immigration status in the UK is something they have expected their entire lives – that moment of joy and liberation that we can share with them is priceless. Every successful application means that we have done our jobs as lawyers to the best of our abilities and ultimately, it is humbling and heart-warming to know that our work has had a life-changing impact on our clients’ future livelihoods.”

Corina Lefter, Associate and KIND UK Project Champion, Reed Smith